
Cyber Protection Steps For Smaller Buisnesses

May 31, 2016

Many smaller businesses I’ve spoken to over the last year don’t think Cyber Security is something they need to worry about until they call to say they may have had a breach and need help.

If your business is on the internet then beware since using the internet not only allows businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets and provides opportunities to work more efficiently, it also can be a gateway to your computer systems.  Whether your business uses cloud computing or just using email and maintaining a website, effective cyber security should be a part of the plan.

Myth 1- No one is interested in my company. I have nothing to worry about

Interestingly, hackers may not target your business specifically, but it’s highly plausible that since attacks are performed by automated software, you could get swept up in a broad-reaching attack. The minute you put up a website, it’s going to get scanned for vulnerabilities by bad guys. Your website is a server that can be taken over which could lead to a myriad of cyber security issues.

Myth 2- Cyber Security is expensive

Businesses think that since cyber security is something that big players like Banks and Insurance companies have, it must cost a sizable amount to be protected. While there is no “silver bullet”, understanding where your greatest risks and vulnerabilities are and steps you can implement to protect yourself can take your business a long way in protecting itself. Becoming more aware of how and where you place your confidential data is a good first step in protecting your data but that is just the begging of a secure business.

Practical and Affordable Cyber Security Tips:

Train employees in security practices

Obtain and implement basic cyber security polices and procedures

Install firewall security for your Internet connection

Make backup copies of important business data and information

Control physical access to your offices and computers

Limit employee access to data

If you have a Wi-Fi network, make sure it’s secure

Create a mobile device policy


For further free information on how to protect your business Email us