About Us

Proactive Cyber Security was created to service the often forgotten small to midsized businesses (SMB) that don’t have a dedicated internal information security or risk management team but still needs to be protected from today’s technology threats.
Hackers don’t discriminate between targets, and a new study shows that they now target smaller businesses. The reason for this is simple, Fortune 2000 organizations have large teams of dedicated security professionals protecting the corporate “crown jewels”. Your business may have IT people handling your security needs, but it’s likely they lack the specific technical knowledge and experience to ensure your systems are secure.
At Proactive Cyber Security we align ourselves with your company’s culture and provide our services on a personal level. Besides our extensive cyber security and risk expertise we look to build solid relationships with our stakeholders based on mutual trust and respect.
We are constantly keeping your business needs in the forefront as we develop security and risk solutions. Our team members have an average 15 years of experience within information security and they all learned long ago that if the security isn’t as transparent as possible, your staff won’t use it and your risk will not be reduced. Therefore, we strive for maximum security protection and transparency.
Integrated within each of our security and risk solutions is a concerted effort to make your security as transparent as possible while assisting you in meeting your business goals. That’s just part of the Proactive Cyber Security difference.